Tuesday, May 24, 2011

At the Airport

Woke up super early this morning. Not because I wanted to, but because of a bat flying around in my bedroom. I thought to myself "this must be a sign".  When I got up to chase it out, it had disappeared. What a way to start a 16 hour travel day....

Arrived at the airport nearly 3 hours before my flight. The feeling I had when the automated doors swung open to reveal the ticket counter was intense. I found my self holding back tears of  happiness, sadness, and what the WTF are you doingness. "2 weeks by yourself in Spain?" I asked myself. It still feels surreal that in a few hours I will be in a different country, alone, finding out what I am made of.

I have been thinking of how blessed I am. How much I love my family, my friends, and the life I am making for myself.  Now time to board the plane to Charlotte, then to Madrid, then to Barcelona.  Let's roll.  

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Time Has Come!!

I am packed, here I go.  Time to be set free, ready to leave my heart to the wild hunt a coming.  Just me, my backpack, and my thoughts.  This is my trip to move forward, to take in the opportunities that life has given me, entirely funded from a little tiny shiny ring.  Not sure what I will find, or where I'll end up.  But I do know that I am about to embark on an epic journey.  The "planned" stops are Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, and San Sebastion.  I will try to refrain from posting any pictures of me on the beach in my "man-kini", but I can't make any promises.

For now, time to have one last cold beer before the 13 hour travel day tomorrow.